Month: October 2008

  • OK, this is a great post, full of classic memories, that never got NEARLY enough eprops:

  • Density & Camping

    Welp, we’re going camping this weekend at Raystown Lake in honor of Ben, and anyone is invited. If you need details, let me know. It looks like tents and food will be plentiful. Just bring clothes, a sleeping bag, and a pillow, and you should be fine. A little cash wouldn’t hurt.

    My less-diaryish blog is going well. I’m getting lots of views and a good stream of comments. In my job, I listen to a lot of people weigh in on a lot of interesting issues, but I’m generally in a role of listener/recorder, so it’s nice to have a place to express some of my opinions, observations, and interpretations. Earlier this evening I put together an entry about a new map that shows population density in PA. (Exciting stuff! Right?)

    We’re thinking seriously about hosting Lancsgiving again this year. Anyone think they’re up for it? It will not be for the faint of appetite.

  • The economy and me

    As a young, indebted professional, I have to wonder how selfish I should be in this current economic situation. I think that if I was truly motivated by my own interests, I’d be cheering as our current economic structure tumbles. Or am I missing something? I wrote more over on my other blog: I’d love your thoughts, you smart friends of mine.